Dental Imaging in Washington, MO
When enhancing your smile, it can be hard to predict the exact results in advance. After all, a smile is a pretty personal thing, and changing your smile can feel like changing your identity. That’s where cosmetic digital imaging comes into play. Digital imaging software allows Dr. Mace to capture your photo and adjust it to reflect the procedures you’re considering. Digital imaging technology lets you visualize your future smile, whether you’re considering teeth whitening, straightening, bonding, veneers, or a complete smile makeover. It ensures the restoration of your smile in an ideal and predictable way.
What is the Digital Imaging Process?
The process of Digital Imaging is quite simple. After completing your oral exam and discussing your smile goals, Dr. Mace creates a personalized treatment plan. The team takes various digital photos of your current smile and inputs change factors into the computer. The computer will generate one or more graphics images that accurately demonstrate how the changes will affect the appearance of your mouth, as well as your overall facial appearance. It is important to note that this is process is digital artwork and that the actual results may differ somewhat from what the computer designs for you. It’s a fun process and is exciting to see what the “new you” would look like with a new smile. Plus, you can take a photo of the new you home to share with family or friends.
Why do Dr. Mace and his team love their digital imaging tools? Informed decisions are wise ones, and our advanced digital imaging technologies give you and Dr. Mace all of the information you need to decide on, and receive, the best care available.
What is the iTero Intraoral Scanner?
The iTero intraoral scanning system replaces traditional impressions in a more accurate, more detailed, and more efficient way. The wand is used to glide over your teeth to create a 3-dimensional model of your mouth. Unlike traditional impressions, iTero scanner models are highly accurate and unaffected by environmental factors or time. The iTero system fabricates crowns, veneers, sleep apnea appliances, occlusal guards, and other restorations, ensuring better fit and longer-lasting results.
In-Office 2D and 3D Imaging
Dr. Mace now offers an award-winning 2D and 3D imaging system, the Carestream 8100, that is not only more comfortable and safe for his patients, but also offers clearer pictures in 3 dimensions to spot potential problems early and place implants safely. Specifically, Dr. Mace uses this new technology to assist in implant planning, implant placement, detection of pathology, and detection of caries. The Carestream 8100 CBCT gives Dr. Mace 3 dimensions of information to review to make sure you receive the very best, most informed care, available. For more information about the Carestream 8100, call Dr. Mace’s office today!